
Hi Nicky& Annelise, I tried to send this email on Monday, but somehow it just never found its way to you guys. I would just like to update you on what my clowns have been up to these past couple of months. They both joined a hiphop dance class earlier in the year....


Thanks so much for your time and effort Nicky. Kind Regards

Cheryl T

Although she has not been very successful, Meaghan has thoroughly enjoyed the exposure thus far.  We have spoken as a family and have decided that if she would like to, she can try again in a few years time. I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you for...


Thank you so much! Do you know that the KFC Milkshake advert was rated No.5 in the Financial Week Magazine!  There is a lovely write-up about the advert and a pic of her! We are very proud of her and thanks to Koolkids for making her a little star! Take care.