The Industry is all about commitment. It has unpredictable part-time schedules, exceptionally long hours, city-wide work bases, and high international standards. If you’re thinking that this is industry is just play-play, then you’re in for a rude awakening. Whilst every Shoot aims to run smoothly and enjoyably for all the participants, it is still WORK. Here are some of the personal attributes you are going to need if you want your child to be a success.
- Presentation
Although this is a creative sector, it is still a business sector. If your child is not presentable, with clean hair, nails and clothing, then you won’t get in the front door. And whilst we’re all for diversity, remember that the majority of clients are from a strict business background. Therefore their first impressions of your child do count. Unless the brief says otherwise, your child should be neatly dressed and wearing shoes to the casting session!!! (you may laugh, but we’ve seen all sorts) Short nails, trimmed hair, clean face and hands.
- Communication
The language of communication on a shoot is English. This is the language that will be used by all foreign clients. If English is not your child’s first language please make sure that he / she becomes familiar enough with the language to be able to take direction from the Photographer / Director.
- Self Motivation
If you can bounce out of bed at three in the morning and keep going till ten in the evening then you are right for the industry. Although there are strict limits on how many hours a child works, a typical film day starts early and continues late, and you could be called at any time. If you have energy and enthusiasm, then this industry needs you…
- Good Manners
A photographic shoot can be a place of high emotion and tight deadlines. Often you will be in the wrong place and have to deal with the anger / frustration that is directed at other people. Your ability to not take things personally and deal with issues on a practical level could make all the difference – not just for the success of the particular shoot, but whether you ever work again.
- Integrity
Sometimes you will be privy to information that has not been released to the general public. It will be expected of you to keep information confidential until the company has released the footage.
- Self-sacrifice
If you can’t put aside your personal needs for the duration of a shoot, then you won’t suit the industry. The industry wants to employ people who are enthusiastic learners, people who are willing to go the extra mile, and people who work hard. Your child’s other hobbies, kid’s parties, sports practices and visits to Grandma unfortunately often have to fall by the wayside.